"It's time to fine-tune your cells"
The HaloMagnetic Resonance Therapy uses Low-Level Electromagnetic Frequencies to create a gentle magnetic field that the human body recognizes. The key to this device is that it provides an opportunity to strengthen the parasympathetic side of your autonomic nervous system. This is what induces the relaxation response.
The terms "fight or flight" and "rest and digest" refer to the "yin and yang" of our Autonomic Nervous System. One side helps us deal with stress (both good and bad kinds), while the other helps our nervous systems activate the necessary healing processes that allow our bodies to regenerate and recover to their fullest potential.
Stress is often hailed as the "underlying" reason for many ailments we see in today's world. Cancer is often attributed to unrelenting patterns of abnormally high stress levels. The same can be said about many types of autoimmune conditions.
If we remove the excess noise for a moment and venture back to the basics of what we know about how we are designed - it is not difficult to see that the regulatory system, commonly referred to as the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), dictates many of the processes that contribute to disease and dysfunction. There are two faces to the ANS - Sympathetic (fight or flight) and Parasympathetic (rest and digest). The former helps us deal with stress and is necessary for work, school, etc. The latter is what allows us to repair from the daily elements of wear and tear.
The fact that many of us are living with more stress than ever before suggests that if we are spending much of our day stressed out - then it is more difficult to achieve an ideal state of repair. In other words, we are aging faster than we recover. This can result in accelerated levels of degeneration in joints, soft tissues and organs.
We have all had stressful days, weeks and even months. That is not abnormal. However, the question we need to ask ourselves is what happens when our bodies learn to rely on the sympathetic system for everything? What happens when we lose the ability to flex our recovery system? The answer is simple: our bodies envelop more stress associated patterns that break us down and contribute to common disease processes. The good news is - this doesn't have to be the case.
Although these neurological pathways in the ANS are, "unconscious," they are reinforced by the conscious behaviors and habits we exhibit on a daily basis. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic can be educated - that is the beauty of neuroplasticity. This is a double-edged sword because your results are directly dependent upon on which side you are strengthening. More importantly, the health of your body as a whole correlates with whether or not you are balancing the scales, or tipping them to favor one over the other.
Stress is often hailed as the "underlying" reason for many ailments we see in today's world. Cancer is often attributed to unrelenting patterns of abnormally high stress levels. The same can be said about many types of autoimmune conditions.
If we remove the excess noise for a moment and venture back to the basics of what we know about how we are designed - it is not difficult to see that the regulatory system, commonly referred to as the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), dictates many of the processes that contribute to disease and dysfunction. There are two faces to the ANS - Sympathetic (fight or flight) and Parasympathetic (rest and digest). The former helps us deal with stress and is necessary for work, school, etc. The latter is what allows us to repair from the daily elements of wear and tear.
The fact that many of us are living with more stress than ever before suggests that if we are spending much of our day stressed out - then it is more difficult to achieve an ideal state of repair. In other words, we are aging faster than we recover. This can result in accelerated levels of degeneration in joints, soft tissues and organs.
We have all had stressful days, weeks and even months. That is not abnormal. However, the question we need to ask ourselves is what happens when our bodies learn to rely on the sympathetic system for everything? What happens when we lose the ability to flex our recovery system? The answer is simple: our bodies envelop more stress associated patterns that break us down and contribute to common disease processes. The good news is - this doesn't have to be the case.
Although these neurological pathways in the ANS are, "unconscious," they are reinforced by the conscious behaviors and habits we exhibit on a daily basis. Both sympathetic and parasympathetic can be educated - that is the beauty of neuroplasticity. This is a double-edged sword because your results are directly dependent upon on which side you are strengthening. More importantly, the health of your body as a whole correlates with whether or not you are balancing the scales, or tipping them to favor one over the other.
Magnetic Resonance Therapy (MRT) uses Low-Level Electromagnetic Frequencies (LL-EMF) to create a gentle magnetic field that the human body recognizes. Interestingly enough, the human brain and heart create their own form of energy fields as it provides for the basis for living tissues.
The natural order of hierarchy in how human beings are built is described below:
Our bodies are made of atoms and if you crack open an atom and look inside, you may be surprised to find that the "matter" can be simply categorized as – energy. That fact is equal parts bizarre and important because if you want to stimulate health – then you must be able to provide resources for the energy within the atoms. Fortunately, magnetic resonance therapy is capable of doing exactly that by generating frequencies that our bodies can use to find a balance on a cellular level. The quintessential “yin and yang” applies to everyone. Regardless of your age, ethnicity or stress levels, we all need help to regain the equilibrium within our nervous system (often referred to as homeostasis). At the core of all living things, our internal balance determines how well we operate when we are awake, as well as how well we repair when we are asleep.
Despite the knowledge and understanding, I am consistently amazed at the diversified spectrum of challenges that the Halo has a positive affect on. Below is a list of some common reasons for why our patients have devoted their efforts into developing a customized plan to quell and manage their issues.
(note* instead of listing the specific conditions, we have provided the subjective description our patients describe for why they are seeking care in the first place. This may help you better understand whether or not you fall into a category that qualifies for trying this approach)
“recurring injuries that seem to happen too easy”
"constant pain in more than one area for no particular reason"
“inability to successfully exercise due to lack of energy or excess of pain"
“mental and physical fatigue that make you feel drained, exhausted and sometimes depressed”
"difficulty finding a groove for working out/unable to be consistent or maintain a healthy pattern”
“difficulties with falling/staying asleep that translates into feeling like you need to sleep more, all the time”
The natural order of hierarchy in how human beings are built is described below:
- Atoms create molecules...
- Molecules create cells...
- Cells create tissues...
- Tissues create organs...
- Organs create organ systems...
- Organ systems create the human body...
Our bodies are made of atoms and if you crack open an atom and look inside, you may be surprised to find that the "matter" can be simply categorized as – energy. That fact is equal parts bizarre and important because if you want to stimulate health – then you must be able to provide resources for the energy within the atoms. Fortunately, magnetic resonance therapy is capable of doing exactly that by generating frequencies that our bodies can use to find a balance on a cellular level. The quintessential “yin and yang” applies to everyone. Regardless of your age, ethnicity or stress levels, we all need help to regain the equilibrium within our nervous system (often referred to as homeostasis). At the core of all living things, our internal balance determines how well we operate when we are awake, as well as how well we repair when we are asleep.
Despite the knowledge and understanding, I am consistently amazed at the diversified spectrum of challenges that the Halo has a positive affect on. Below is a list of some common reasons for why our patients have devoted their efforts into developing a customized plan to quell and manage their issues.
(note* instead of listing the specific conditions, we have provided the subjective description our patients describe for why they are seeking care in the first place. This may help you better understand whether or not you fall into a category that qualifies for trying this approach)
“recurring injuries that seem to happen too easy”
"constant pain in more than one area for no particular reason"
“inability to successfully exercise due to lack of energy or excess of pain"
“mental and physical fatigue that make you feel drained, exhausted and sometimes depressed”
"difficulty finding a groove for working out/unable to be consistent or maintain a healthy pattern”
“difficulties with falling/staying asleep that translates into feeling like you need to sleep more, all the time”
The terms "fight or flight" and "rest and digest" refer to the "yin and yang" of our Autonomic Nervous System. One side helps us deal with stress (both good and bad kinds), while the other helps our bodies activate the necessary healing processes that allow our bodies to regenerate and recover.
You may have heard of the Vagus Nerve, which is the gateway to your Gut-Brain connection. It has been studied extensively and research consistently points to the idea that when the vagus nerve is strengthened, our bodies have an easier time switching from the "sympathetic/stress" state into the "parasympathetic/healing" state. This has a direct impact on our ability to exercise, heal and digest.
Many of us think that nutrition is as simple as "what we eat." However, if we are stuck in a state of sympathetic and never get a chance to move over into parasympathetic, then the consequence can be an inflamed gut. The result is that people can develop "IBS" or "irritable bowel syndrome," which medical research has shown as having "no particular cause." However, the stress imbalance can be a subterfuge for why many people become sensitized to different foods.
So how can the Halo help?
Even prior to Covid taking over our world and further elevating our general stress levels, people trended towards the side of "sympathetic dominance." In other words, we were already stressed-out... now that we are all facing the uncertainty that a pandemic brings - it's safe to say that the stress response is in full effect.
The Halo can help stomach issues indirectly by way of stimulating and strengthening the parasympathetic nervous system. In this case, the ability to engage the vagus nerve can provide the body with a much needed boost of relaxation.
If you or a loved one has been dealing with chronic stomach issues that appear to be inflammatory based, then this treatment could be a wonderful adjunct to your current protocol. If you do not already have a protocol, then this can be a big step in the right direction to get you on the right track to feeling better.
You may have heard of the Vagus Nerve, which is the gateway to your Gut-Brain connection. It has been studied extensively and research consistently points to the idea that when the vagus nerve is strengthened, our bodies have an easier time switching from the "sympathetic/stress" state into the "parasympathetic/healing" state. This has a direct impact on our ability to exercise, heal and digest.
Many of us think that nutrition is as simple as "what we eat." However, if we are stuck in a state of sympathetic and never get a chance to move over into parasympathetic, then the consequence can be an inflamed gut. The result is that people can develop "IBS" or "irritable bowel syndrome," which medical research has shown as having "no particular cause." However, the stress imbalance can be a subterfuge for why many people become sensitized to different foods.
So how can the Halo help?
Even prior to Covid taking over our world and further elevating our general stress levels, people trended towards the side of "sympathetic dominance." In other words, we were already stressed-out... now that we are all facing the uncertainty that a pandemic brings - it's safe to say that the stress response is in full effect.
The Halo can help stomach issues indirectly by way of stimulating and strengthening the parasympathetic nervous system. In this case, the ability to engage the vagus nerve can provide the body with a much needed boost of relaxation.
If you or a loved one has been dealing with chronic stomach issues that appear to be inflammatory based, then this treatment could be a wonderful adjunct to your current protocol. If you do not already have a protocol, then this can be a big step in the right direction to get you on the right track to feeling better.
Athletes are accustomed to injuries to the point where it is often accepted that getting hurt "comes with the territory." However, what if you had a secret weapon to accelerate your body's ability to recover? Well, we ALL have that secret element and it's called our "parasympathetic nervous system." This is what handles the day to day repair of healthy tissues, organs, bones, and waste that either promotes health or stimulates disease processes.
As with any other aspect to movement, we need to move and push ourselves in order to get better. However, how often are we pushing the limits on how "hard" we can recover? It's easy to think of training hard, but we need to be equally disciplined in supporting the regenerative processes that are already built into our bodies.
The Halo is not the "X" factor. YOU are the X factor. The Halo is simply the medium that helps activate the side of your electrical system that turns down the volume on sympathetic (stress/anxiety/fear/worry) and turns the volume up on parasympathetic (relaxation/repair/recovery/regeneration).
If you are an athlete that has suffered a concussion, then you should do whatever you can to be evaluated as soon as possible. There is currently no "gold standard" for special imaging to diagnostically validate whether or not someone is "concussed." It is up to the practitioner to decide based on questionnaires and subjective evaluation. Irregardless of whether the outcome of that assessment is conclusive, the symptomatology associated with concussion can be devastating in the short and long-term.
The Halo has a healthy track record of helping to reduce headaches, brain fog and other fatigue related symptoms that are commonly associated with concussion like scenarios.
Below is a list of situations where many athletes can benefit from a more balanced nervous system
As with any other aspect to movement, we need to move and push ourselves in order to get better. However, how often are we pushing the limits on how "hard" we can recover? It's easy to think of training hard, but we need to be equally disciplined in supporting the regenerative processes that are already built into our bodies.
The Halo is not the "X" factor. YOU are the X factor. The Halo is simply the medium that helps activate the side of your electrical system that turns down the volume on sympathetic (stress/anxiety/fear/worry) and turns the volume up on parasympathetic (relaxation/repair/recovery/regeneration).
If you are an athlete that has suffered a concussion, then you should do whatever you can to be evaluated as soon as possible. There is currently no "gold standard" for special imaging to diagnostically validate whether or not someone is "concussed." It is up to the practitioner to decide based on questionnaires and subjective evaluation. Irregardless of whether the outcome of that assessment is conclusive, the symptomatology associated with concussion can be devastating in the short and long-term.
The Halo has a healthy track record of helping to reduce headaches, brain fog and other fatigue related symptoms that are commonly associated with concussion like scenarios.
Below is a list of situations where many athletes can benefit from a more balanced nervous system
- Stress Fractures
- Complete/Incomplete Fractures
- Acute Injury Inflammation
- Chronic Inflammatory patterns
- Whiplash Syndromes
- Headaches due to trauma
- Muscular / Myofascial Tissue Tears
- Sprain/Strain Injuries
- Repetitive Stress Injuries
- Pre/Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
Conceptual Model of the Halo
The Relaxation Response can be defined as your built-in, "off switch," for stress.
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